New vs. Old Physics

Given today’s obsession with soundbites and snippets, here is a summary of the differences between old and new physics models. For evidence and details, see the Posts, our New Physics Academy YouTube channel, and the Papers tab.

It is fair to ask whether The New Physics arose from a simple hypothesis; the answer is “Yes!”. Since any two objects exert gravitational attraction to each other no matter how small either object is, it must be the case that gravitation arises with the creation of a single particle. The prior focus of physics on gravitational attraction between a large object (e.g., the earth) and another is natural since unless one object of them is large, the effect of gravitation is so small that it cannot easily be measured. And after all measurement is the heart of physics. Nonetheless, pursuing the notion that the gravitational effect is generated when an individual particle is created is so fruitful that it should not be ignored any longer. Combining this line of reasoning with the hypothesis that space is displaced when a particle is created (rather than replaced) results in The New Physics model. Although additional hypotheses are made along the way, this one is the heart of the matter (pun intended!).

Old Physics modelsThe New Physics model
Particles have mass.Particles are primarily very empty bubbles in space created by placing lots of energy in a small volume in a short time slice, pushing space aside. It is as though space has surface tension which permits these bubbles to form. The resulting distortion of space results in nuclear quantum levels with side effects like gravitation and inertia, giving the illusion that particles apparently have mass.
Fundamental particles like electrons, protons, and neutrons, as well as light photons, are a “superposition” of a wave and a particle and which one they eventually become depends on how they are observed.When a particle bubble is created, the space where the particle used to be is displaced and compressed in successive quantum layers of decreasing compression. The first quantum layer has a radius equal to the wavelength of the particle. Thus, the particle and the wave always exist concurrently and there is no decision which is made upon observation.
There is a short-acting strong force holding quarks and nucleons together.Quarks are held together by space pushing in on the bubble, and nucleons are held together by the binding energy that results from mass lost during fusion (the mass defect.) The pressure of space pushing in on the bubble could still be called the strong force. However, it is not an attractive force like gravitation or magnetism and does not hold nucleons together.
Gravitation is caused by objects curving spacetime.Gravitation is caused by intersecting nuclear quantum levels of two particles attempting to revert from the shape of two intersecting spheres back to (nearly) a single sphere. Gravity is the result of space straining to revert to this “home position”. Although this force is small between just two particles, when at least one object is large enough and all the particles in two objects are contributing, the gravitational force becomes measurable.
Light photons are packets of waves.Light photons are bubbles in space created by the same mechanism (lots of energy in a small volume in a short time slice) that creates particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Light photons have no mass, which permits them to travel at the speed of light.Light photons are bubbles in space that have apparent mass, but no internal charged components with length. Particles with internal charge components with length like quarks cannot travel at light speed because they are subject to relativistic length contraction. But particles without internal charge components have no internal components with length, so are not subject to length contraction and therefore always travel at the speed of light.
Electromagnetic waves are waves with an electrical field and a magnetic field component.Light and other “electromagnetic waves” are neither electromagnetic nor waves. They are swarms of photons which are bubbles in space with no electric or magnetic properties. They do, however, have “spin” which determines how they interact with charged particles they encounter (in particular, electrons in antennas.)
Cold fusion is impossible because no gamma rays are produced.Cold fusion is a thing; gamma rays are not produced because the fusing particles are moving slower than in hot fusion where gamma rays are observed.
The momentum of the “massless” photon is expressed as p = h/λ where h is the Planck constant and λ is the wavelength of the photon.The momentum of the photon traveling at the speed of light is 2p/3, where p = h/λ as defined at the left. The rest of the energy of creation forms the bubble that is the photon. This should be a testable hypothesis.
Although time dilation and length contraction are demonstrable effects of an object moving at speeds approaching the speed of light, an object’s mass becoming larger relative to a stationary observer as the object approaches light speed is just a mathematical fiction of special relativity and not a real effect.The gravitational field of a particle (with internal charged components like quarks) moving relative to a stationary observer increases because it depends on the ratio of the surface area of the particle bubble to the volume of the bubble. Due to length contraction, as the particle increases speed relative to a stationary observer, the surface area approaches a non-zero constant and the volume approaches 0, causing the gravitational field of the particle to increase. As the particle approaches light speed, its gravitational field at each nuclear quantum level grows arbitrarily large.
Inertial and gravitational mass are assumed to be the same thing. There is no model unifying these two types of mass.The source of both gravitation and inertia is the fracturing of space made when the particle bubble is formed. There is no mass as such (except perhaps for a few tiny quark-like particles); apparent mass is an illusion created by the fracturing of space made when the particle is created. Inertia and gravitation are not the same thing, but they both come from the space fractures caused by the creation of the particle bubble.
E = mc2m = Eμε. Pronounced “meme” as it is spelled, this says the same thing but has an intuitive physical interpretation: creating a bubble in space depends on key properties of space.
The internal structure of protons and neutrons is an energetic set of quarks and gluons that is insufficiently precise to explain the binding energy curve.The internal structure of protons and neutrons seems to be formed of quark structures that explain the binding energy curve to astonishingly high degrees of correlation and accuracy to the actual data.
There is no good explanation for the fact that the hydrogen nucleus measures to be larger than its only occupant, the proton. All nuclei seem to have this “nuclear skin” and there is no explanation for it.The nuclear skin is the first layer of compressed space between the particle bubble and the first nuclear quantum level, and its radius equals the wavelength of the particle.
A free neutron decays in about 14 minutes 39 seconds but lives essentially forever in a stable nucleus. There is no precise explanation for this.The positive up quark in neutrons rattles around inside the neutron particle bubble in a free neutron, eventually breaking it apart, but in a neutron bound in a nucleus, the adjacent positive protons pin the up quark inside the neutron, so it stops rattling about and the neutron is stable.
Neutrinos have mass but travel at the speed of light. But according to special relativity, this is impossible. There is no explanation for this.Neutrinos, like all particles and photons, are bubbles in space. The distortion of space caused by their creation produces the effects of having inertial and gravitational mass. Since they have no internal charged components with length, they are not subject to the constraint that they travel below light speed.
The experiments that observed neutrinos traveling faster than the speed of light in a vacuum when they traveled through a mountain between Geneva, France and Grand Sasso Italy stunned the physics community, despite over 100 participating physicists conducting and reproducing the experiment over 5 years. The experiment seemed to contradict the verified theory of special relativity and despite having been reproduced, the results were retracted due to a “faulty fiber optic cable connection”. No information was given as to how a faulty fiber optic cable connection could have given the observed results.When neutrinos are passing through the earth’s crust, their wavelength of compressed space encounters many nuclei forming the crust of the earth. Accounting for the number of nuclei on the path from Geneva to Grand Sasso and the fact that particles in the nucleus are bubbles empty of space through which neutrinos pass instantly, the gain in speed exactly explains the observations of the experiment. The constancy of the speed of light in a vacuum is not contradicted by a higher speed through a mountain which is within its nuclei emptier than space.
No model unifies the behavior of small particles (protons, neutrons, electrons) with gravitation.The New Physics is a model that unifies the behavior of small particles with gravitation.
Old Physics models vs. New Physics model.